Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving this year was very different, mostly because there were only 5 people present. Coming from a large family, it seemed a little strange to have a quiet day but it was nice, at least we were able to have some family there so we were thankful for that! We had Brendan's dad, stepmom, and sister over and they brought about half the food so that made it pretty easy on me cooking-wise. Tracy is always super helpful with whatever I need - I was expecting it to be a busy morning of cooking and making sure everything was ready but surprisingly everything went really smoothly and there was no rush at all...I'm very thankful to have her and my dad in law in our lives. They really show us that they care about us and what's going on in our lives and treat me as a true part of the family - too bad they live about an hour away or we would be able to spend much more time with them and Brendan's younger sister!
The night before Thanksgiving I made some desserts - cherry/rasberry pie and mocha chocolate cake...they turned out pretty excellent...moist and delicious.

Morning of sweet husband made me pancakes and bacon, which I only nibbled because I didn't want to spoil my appetite! Then we got the turkey out and Brendan cleaned it out (gingerly):

He did a great job!! Finding all the obscure bags of entrails and even a nice packet of gravy mix..haha.
Then Brendan commenced the football-watching with his dad and the womenfolk started getting the other foods ready, but like I said before it was all very relaxing and easy. Here we have the makings of broccoli rice casserole which is passed down from my mom, but I can never get it to taste like hers! Also Tracy's homemade cranberry sauce...

Brendan peeled the potatoes! Handsome devil

Faja, Mikaela, and me:
We bought this ham with a brown sugar glaze, yum, here's me basting it:(my first time using a baster hee - that basted ham!!)

I had bought some pumpkins that I was going to make a fall centerpiece out of but never actually did, so for the meal I set them around our one nice vase and put the wheat I also had in the vase with some leftover wooden twirly things to complete what I call my "autumn sheek" look with asian undertones...I'm proud of what I did with it okay!!
Here's a pic of the spread! Holla
Someday I will get my exotic meat and unusual side dishes......

We had gotten this hunting game for the Xbox so we played that a little...(the next day Brendan traded it all in for a Playstation 3 so we'll see how long we keep this, it cuts down on space though!! :)
Gotta post a pic of my delicious parker house rolls that I whipped up...didn't know they would rise as much as they did so they ended up being "loaves" instead of "rolls" ha but they were so good!!
Last but not least, on my kitchen chalkboard (made out of a vintage window, yes I am creative like that, jealous) I wrote this and everyone wrote something that they were thankful for: (I'm sure you can guess which ones are Brendan's ;)
It was a good day and we have a lot to be thankful for!! God has blessed us way more than we deserve. I hope in the next few months we follow his leading and seek to do more for him!!
Next post will be about Brendan's birthday - he's getting a big suprise tomorrow if it doesn't rain!
Deuces playa

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Foodies Unite!

A while ago I bought one of the daily deals from Tippr (same type thing as Groupon) that was $25 for 2 movie tickets AND a $50 gift card on good a deal to pass up! So a couple weeks ago we decided to use the gift card and I looked up the restaurants that you could go to and decided on Wild Vine Bistro in Bothell. (I love an excuse to go to a new restaurant!) Brendan bless him usually trusts me to choose the new places we go to and I have to say I rarely let him down. :) I looked up their menu online first and the choices looked intriguing (crab macaroni, duck confit) - I love trying new foods. Read on for details......
As soon as we stepped inside the door, we were greeted with the melodious strains of Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin. The muted colors of the walls combined with the dim lighting to create a soothing effect, instantly relaxing us. Our waitress was pleasant and helpful, recommending the truffle potato chips for our appetizer which we promptly ordered: (we were also served bread and olive oil, the downside was the bread wasn't hot)

These things literally melted in our mouths - the best potato chips I've ever had! The potatoes were cut in a delicate pattern which only added to the gourmet presentation. Definitely order these.
On to the entrees!
Brendan ordered the filet mignon which came with mashed potatoes and mushrooms - he loved the rich and tasty sauce. I didn't think it was exceptional but I'm glad he liked it.
I ordered the Alder smoked pork chop with mustard and apple gastrique, it came with potato gratin and green beans. The green beans were altogether unimpressive, didn't seem to have much taste. The mustard and apple sauce on the pork chop was delicious; the pork chop itself was okay, very thick, should have been a bit more tender. The potatoes were very weird, as you can see it came in the shape of a slice of pie, slices of potato layered over each other with nothing in between so the taste left something to be desired...
Alas we did not order dessert but it was tempting!
As we were leaving there was a cello player and guitar player setting up to play live music! Definitely want to go back just to listen to that. Even though there were some taste issues, I'm confident that the menu has plenty of other yummy options that I look forward to trying!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Winter Melon Soup

For my first blog post here's a Chinese recipe! My sister who is a master at cooking Chinese food (she should! She lives in China and is married to a great local guy) told me how to make it when I was craving it one day...I ask her how to make all the Chinese food I miss. I didn't think it would turn out but it tasted pretty close to what I remembered (except the MSG, boo) and left such a warm and satisfied feeling in my tummy! My husband said he liked it too...he's a peach to let me make all my seemingly odd Asian foods, such as fish balls, spicy tofu, and eggplant. Whenever I succeed in making one of those familiar and delicious dishes that I grew up eating, for a few minutes I savor the little bit of China I've brought to my kitchen, and can't wait to do it again.
Have an open mind to trying new foods...there are so many new tastes and delicious things waiting out there, just give it a try!

Winter melon is the filling ingredient in this soup - it can only be found at Asian groceries; my store of choice is Ranch 99 in Edmonds, they have the largest selection of fresh meat and vegetables/fruit I've seen for really great prices. They only sell it skin on so I cut up the melon part into chunks:
 I also chose a few other vegetables to add in for substance and just because I thought they would taste good:
I'm not sure what the English word is for the cabbage, in Chinese it means "big white vegetable." :) The green onion you chop up and add right before serving. I was so excited when I saw these mushrooms at the store, they are so good, especially in soup! (They are a type of Japanese shroom called Enokitake - thanks Wikipedia) Cut up the cabbage however large or small you like.
Bring some pork(bone in) to a boil in a large pot and let it simmer for about an hour.
Before adding the vegetables skim off the fat that has risen to the surface.
Add in the vegetables(except the green onion), along with salt, chicken boullion, and white pepper. You can really add any seasonings you want but these three give it a great flavor that showcases the melon in the best way I think. Let it simmer until the melon is soft and keep tasting it and adding seasoning as needed, then right before serving add the green onion.
I had put too much water, next time I'll put less water, more vegetables! It's very different from the usual creamy bowl of lard, very light and brothy. So good! This is a healthy and super delicious soup, I will definitely be making it a lot this winter!